Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys
Boys will be boys

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cheesers are good for more then eating Cheese!

The other day Jeremy`s mother was driving me home from work. The boys were in the back talking and talking as usual. Question after question about why their dad was in the newspaper for baseball, why he shaved his head in high school, why, why, why, why, why, why?! One of the they whys was, "Grandma, why do you laugh so much?"...Like all grandma`s, who whether or not they know everything-the older they get the more they seem to know, and to us who are younger, they always know the most...had this to reply, "because smiling and laughing will get you a lot farther in this world then frowning and crying ever will. Its best we look on the bright side. That`s the way life should be." I had a moment to reflect on that...only a moment however simply because in life with three boys...everything lasts but only a moment. I smiled. Grandma was right.... "In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."....this week, despite all the changes and obstacles that I knew I would have to overcome...I decided to "Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight." Life changed dramatically for me after that day....Just wait and you will see! ;0) 

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