Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys
Saturday, October 2, 2010
21 Things I learned while being 21 (Lessons 1-5)
"There must be a day or two in a man's life when he is the precise age for something important"
By Franklin P. Adams
Before September 7th 2010, I hated the age of 20. I thought that nothing good happened when you were 20 and that is was the most boring age ever! I also thought that 21 had to be the perfect age! Because when you are 21, everything wonderful happens! First, I could finally go on my mission! That long awaited dream would finally be here, and the moment I had my birthday, that very day, I was turning in my papers! I would also have traveled to Europe, seen the world, be completing my bachelors degree, and have read every Jane Austen book ever written in the course of history. I would have a job, be making enough money to get me through my last year of college, and I would have cute clothes, hair, and accescories to boot. Well, as September 7th started rolling closer and closer, I started getting real comfortable with the age of 20. I had been 20 for a good long year! And it was tough! But 21, was now not looking so wonderful! In fact, I`m 21 now...and I hate it! I can`t wait til I`m 22! By the time I`m 22 I`ll have accomplished all the things I was suppose to accomplish when I was 21! and that `s a promise!:0) Well...Let me tell you some things I learned while being 21:
1.) "Life is to be enjoyed, not endured"...Everything wonderful happens to everyone else...but never me! That was my 20 year old attitude;0) Well, guess is what you make of it! I may not have traveled to Europe, or I may not be on my mission...and I may not have been Homecoming Queen...but I`ll tell you what I have been:
I had the blessing of being in 10 leadership and volunteer organizations while attending WSU in Ogden
I got to build a house for habitat for humanity in ventura California
I have lived in 4 states in three years
I have been traveled to NY, Canada, PA, Louisiana, Texas, Idaho, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, California, Utah, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virgina, Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota.
I have been Rock Climbing, canyoneering, camping, snow shoeing, snowboarding, skiing, Yurt Tripping, Cross country Skiing, and repelling.
I have been a pig farmer
I started and organized a College Rugby Team
I have completed 3 years of college and have earned scholarships to help get me through most of it
I have never been jobless for more then 3 months. (even then I still found a way to make some sort of income)
My face is on a bus
And....I`ve never been hit my a train! pretty good!
2.) "Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."
I think it`s very easy to focus on the hard times in life and forget the blessings because we human and forget the eternal perspective. It`s important to grasp the concept that in all actuality, we are better then we think we are! Moving to California has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life! The funny thing is...nobody made me come here! I did it all on my own! But man, the growth I have experienced since I have came here! When it comes to learning to forget the storms and enjoy the sunlight...what better place to practice then good ol' Southern California! ;0)
3.) "Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him."
I love Prayer! I have witnessed many a mighty miracles in my short time here on this earth. It`s impossible for me to deny that there is a higher power looking after me in all that I do. I have been away from my family for over 3 years now. It`s been hard to miss birthdays, parties, struggles, and growth...but I have been able to stay close to the ones I love and be of service from a distance-through the power of prayer. I love that!
4.) "Aim high, but do not aim so high that you totally miss the target. What really matters is that he will love you, that he will respect you, that he will honor you, that he will be absolutely true to you, that he will give you the freedom of expression and let you fly in the development of your own talents. He is not going to be perfect, but if he is kind and thoughtful, if he knows how to work and earn a living, if he is honest and full of faith, the chances are you will not go wrong, that you will be immensely happy."
Everybody already knows that my love life is a! ;0) But I have to say that despite it all...everyone that has ever professed love for me...or I have professed love for...has changed for the better! change for me, and change for themselves...I`m a firm believer that sometimes...good things in life fall apart so that better things can come together.
5.) "Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart."
I know lately I have not been my best self. But that`s okay. Because I don`t have to live in the past or in my mistakes. Just learn from it. I am so ready for growth! The other day a friend asked me if I thought I suffered from depression. Oh my that took me back! I never thought about me being depressed. I was not myself, that was for sure. I could feel it. There was a heavy burden associated with the stresses of life, finances, trying to get by, integrity, and living up to my full potential. But lucky for me I was reminded of the blessings that come from repentance, faith, and perseverance. It isn`t as bad as we think sometimes...It all works out in the end...for those of us that are willing---to trust, and wait....
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